Morgan and the Marshmallows

Morgan and the Marshmallows

One of the greatest challenges, for me at least, seems to be carving out time in the schedule to create fresh personal work. New portfolio images, bodies of work revolving around a specific idea for a self-promo piece, that sort of thing.

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Holterholm Farms for Menu Magazine

Holterholm Farms for Menu Magazine

In early August of 2009, I was sent by the Wegmans Advertising Department to Jefferson, Maryland to photograph for a day at Holterholm Farms, a supplier of milk for Organic Valley. Established in 1889 by the great-great grandfather of Ron Holter, the 207 acre farm has been a producer of organic dairy products since 2005, and is now run by Ron, his wife Kathy, and their two children.

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Chilly Night, Cozy Barn, Great Soup!

Chilly Night, Cozy Barn, Great Soup!

One of my chillier shoots over the winter came in January when photographing for Wegmans Food Markets. It was around 17 windy degrees and falling when freelance assistant Amy Millert and I left the studio in Rochester and headed to Canandaigua, NY to create this evening image of the barn at Wegmans Organic Research Farm. We had been waiting for a few weeks to get a little fresh snow and get a clear sky for the photograph. The right kind of night was finally going to happen!

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