Roasting the Perfect Pepper

Roasting the Perfect Pepper

Lately, I've really been enjoying the process of creating imagery to illustrate a series of food-instructional articles for POST, a beautifully crafted, Rochester, NY - based magazine. Thus far, I've spent time photographing for four such articles, three of which have been published in successive issues of POST, with the next coming in the September / October issue, and more planned down the road.

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How Do You Jazz Fest?

How Do You Jazz Fest?

It's not too often that I'm able to write-up a blog post about a recent project so soon after having completed the photography, and it's even less often that I'm able to post while the event that the work was created for is still happening, and the work is out on display. In most cases, the publishing of posts is delayed for months, because of the need to wait until the client has released the work to the public in whatever manner was intended. In other cases, it's simply because the crafting of blog posts is delayed due to my own schedule of things. I really love having this opportunity to sit down today, and write a post while things are still fresh and relevant and happening!

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Photography for Zoobilation 2014

Photography for Zoobilation 2014

Seeing the calendar reminder for tomorrow's scouting mission at Seneca Park Zoo, in Rochester, NY, was the little kick that I needed this afternoon to begin sharing some of the past year's work in a series of blog posts that have been stacking up for quite some time, now. So, let's begin.

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The Faces Behind the Milk

The Faces Behind the Milk

I'm pretty certain this will be my shortest-ever blog post, but that's alright. I felt compelled, proud, and excited enough to take a few minutes and get it out before beginning to pack for a "work" trip to St. Lucia. The sun-block and flip-flops can wait for a little bit.

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Film Project:  A Deliberate Life

Film Project: A Deliberate Life

When I think of what the past two years has brought, I'm simply fascinated by the fashion in which paths and lives intersect. The way dots connect, lines form and then branch off at different angles, each leading to new connections, collaborations, opportunities, and friendships. Energies collect, combine and build. All of it seems to just propel you forward.

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At Pasture - Wegmans Organic Style

At Pasture - Wegmans Organic Style

I've just recently completed what is likely one of my all-time favorite projects ever. During the past few weeks, I have visited five different dairy farms in western New York that supply organic milk to Wegmans Food Markets, for use in various products sold under the Wegmans Organic brand. Popular products such as Wegmans Organic Milk, Half and Half, and Super Yogurt head the list.

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This post has been a long time in the works. Not the mere writing of it, really, but the getting-into-place of the "necessaries" that all combine to make the post even possible.

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Henry's Fork

Henry's Fork

We had truly been smiled upon these past eight days. Someone up there must really, really like us. I can't explain it otherwise. I closed my eyes and turned my face to the sky, soaking it all in once more, taking one long breath. The water here was slow and slick. Only the warm breeze of the afternoon made its surface imperfect. And yet, still incredibly perfect. I turned back around to look at that one lone tree, half a mile off on the plain.

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South Fork

South Fork

Neither Matt nor I were moving very quickly this morning. It actually felt pretty nice not to have to be geared-up before sunrise, hustling out of the hotel with camera bags and peanut-butter toast. We enjoyed a leisurely breakfast, got the room all squared away, loaded the Highlander and checked out of the hotel. Our drive to Idaho Falls would take about four hours. On the other end of it, we'd be meeting up with Colby Hackbarth of Kast Gear, and fishing with him on the South Fork of the Snake River.

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