Roasting the Perfect Pepper

Roasting the Perfect Pepper

Lately, I've really been enjoying the process of creating imagery to illustrate a series of food-instructional articles for POST, a beautifully crafted, Rochester, NY - based magazine. Thus far, I've spent time photographing for four such articles, three of which have been published in successive issues of POST, with the next coming in the September / October issue, and more planned down the road.

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It All Begins With an Egg

It All Begins With an Egg

One chilly, Friday afternoon in early January, I had the fortunate circumstance of being able to work alongside chef Chris Brandt, of Wegmans Food Markets, in the cozy confines of the Test Kitchen at Next Door Bar and Grill. I was there to create images that would help to illustrate a magazine article being produced for Post, and was working closely with Sue Gardner Smith, who was gathering up all of the important details, and would be writing the article.

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The Faces Behind the Milk

The Faces Behind the Milk

I'm pretty certain this will be my shortest-ever blog post, but that's alright. I felt compelled, proud, and excited enough to take a few minutes and get it out before beginning to pack for a "work" trip to St. Lucia. The sun-block and flip-flops can wait for a little bit.

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At Pasture - Wegmans Organic Style

At Pasture - Wegmans Organic Style

I've just recently completed what is likely one of my all-time favorite projects ever. During the past few weeks, I have visited five different dairy farms in western New York that supply organic milk to Wegmans Food Markets, for use in various products sold under the Wegmans Organic brand. Popular products such as Wegmans Organic Milk, Half and Half, and Super Yogurt head the list.

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This post has been a long time in the works. Not the mere writing of it, really, but the getting-into-place of the "necessaries" that all combine to make the post even possible.

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