South Fork

South Fork

Neither Matt nor I were moving very quickly this morning. It actually felt pretty nice not to have to be geared-up before sunrise, hustling out of the hotel with camera bags and peanut-butter toast. We enjoyed a leisurely breakfast, got the room all squared away, loaded the Highlander and checked out of the hotel. Our drive to Idaho Falls would take about four hours. On the other end of it, we'd be meeting up with Colby Hackbarth of Kast Gear, and fishing with him on the South Fork of the Snake River.

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Back to September

Back to September

It's amazing how new events and re-adjusted priorities in the day-to-day routine can put an abrupt halt to the enjoyable process of writing and sharing stories and photographs right here.

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The Chamberlin Interview at WBER

The Chamberlin Interview at WBER

Back in mid-September, I had the wonderful opportunity to join my good buddy, Joe Mayernik, aka "The Mayor of Nikville," in the broadcast studios at WBER during his live interview with the Vermont-based band, Chamberlin. I was along to photograph during the broadcast, and for me, it was one of these great little "dream-projects" that comes up every now and then when things are clicking and the stars align just-so. It was one of those inspiring and re-energizing projects that tend to come along and give you a little "creative energy boost" right when you need it the mo

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River X - The Second Day

River X - The Second Day

The morning of September 3 saw Matt and I all geared up and standing in front of the hotel in a state of bleary-eyed readiness when Rebecca pulled in to pick us up. We were a man down today.

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The River of Secrets

The River of Secrets

I never suspected that I would have found myself flyfishing for trout in what struck me as such a harsh climate and unlikely location on the map. I am, quite frankly, still in amazement that those fish not only exist among that landscape, but seem to flourish. Brown trout.

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Idaho on the Fly

Idaho on the Fly

What an incredible, inspiring, whirlwind journey. At one-thirty this morning, I reluctantly returned to Rochester, New York from a ten-day "creative expedition" in southern Idaho and Oregon.

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Eva and the Dog Boys

Eva and the Dog Boys

This past Saturday evening, I found myself heading south to Naples, NY to take in a little bluegrass music with a few good friends. I'd planned to bring the camera along to collect some new images for a musician-related body of work, and had been communicating with Elaine Verstraete, one of the band members, to make the necessary arrangements.

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Trout Unlimited Part 1:  Scouting and Burgers

Trout Unlimited Part 1: Scouting and Burgers

We hit Oatka Creek for the first time in the early morning hours of April 2. I was joined by good friends, Dean Milliman and Matt Smythe for a scouting mission of one of Western New York's most popular trout fisheries, one that is deeply steeped in history and tradition. The three of us were beginning work on an advertising campaign for the Seth Green Chapter of Trout Unlimited.

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Morgan and the Marshmallows

Morgan and the Marshmallows

One of the greatest challenges, for me at least, seems to be carving out time in the schedule to create fresh personal work. New portfolio images, bodies of work revolving around a specific idea for a self-promo piece, that sort of thing.

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