Roasting the Perfect Pepper

Roasting the Perfect Pepper

Lately, I've really been enjoying the process of creating imagery to illustrate a series of food-instructional articles for POST, a beautifully crafted, Rochester, NY - based magazine. Thus far, I've spent time photographing for four such articles, three of which have been published in successive issues of POST, with the next coming in the September / October issue, and more planned down the road.

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How Do You Jazz Fest?

How Do You Jazz Fest?

It's not too often that I'm able to write-up a blog post about a recent project so soon after having completed the photography, and it's even less often that I'm able to post while the event that the work was created for is still happening, and the work is out on display. In most cases, the publishing of posts is delayed for months, because of the need to wait until the client has released the work to the public in whatever manner was intended. In other cases, it's simply because the crafting of blog posts is delayed due to my own schedule of things. I really love having this opportunity to sit down today, and write a post while things are still fresh and relevant and happening!

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It All Begins With an Egg

It All Begins With an Egg

One chilly, Friday afternoon in early January, I had the fortunate circumstance of being able to work alongside chef Chris Brandt, of Wegmans Food Markets, in the cozy confines of the Test Kitchen at Next Door Bar and Grill. I was there to create images that would help to illustrate a magazine article being produced for Post, and was working closely with Sue Gardner Smith, who was gathering up all of the important details, and would be writing the article.

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On Campfires and Coleman Fuel - Photography for Post

On Campfires and Coleman Fuel - Photography for Post

The blustery scene and biting, below-zero temperatures just now outside stand in stark, nasty contrast to the days last spring, when this body of work was created, and though I'm only separated from those Arctic-legit conditions by mere feet, the confines of my office stand as a warm, sound and cozy outpost in this barren tundra of Caledonia, NY.

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Photography for Zoobilation 2014

Photography for Zoobilation 2014

Seeing the calendar reminder for tomorrow's scouting mission at Seneca Park Zoo, in Rochester, NY, was the little kick that I needed this afternoon to begin sharing some of the past year's work in a series of blog posts that have been stacking up for quite some time, now. So, let's begin.

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Editorial Work for Post - Issue 5 (May / June)

Editorial Work for Post - Issue 5 (May / June)

I honestly don't know where the months go. I'm almost in disbelief that it's been a year since my last post here, and with a new web site looming on the horizon, it's high-time to get back in the habit of generating some fresh content. Today seemed like a great opportunity to get back on that path, because a couple of the really cool and fulfilling projects I've been involved with recently, hit local newsstands just this morning.

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The Faces Behind the Milk

The Faces Behind the Milk

I'm pretty certain this will be my shortest-ever blog post, but that's alright. I felt compelled, proud, and excited enough to take a few minutes and get it out before beginning to pack for a "work" trip to St. Lucia. The sun-block and flip-flops can wait for a little bit.

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A Deliberate Life - Part Two

A Deliberate Life - Part Two

September has long passed. The seven-degree air and new-fallen snow on the boughs of the backyard fir trees seems so far removed from the dry heat of the desert canyons we camped in just a few months ago. Those canyon-river days are just below the surface, though, and if I close my eyes against the winter scene outside, I can be back there in just a few short moments.

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